Frequently Asked Questions

Market Space Partner FAQ’s

How many spaces can we list?

7 for free, more for additional, don’t recommend more than 7 as you start competing against yourself.

What if we need to add multiple locations?

You’re more than welcome to do so, you’ll just need to create a new profile for each property/address.

Where does the transaction happen?

Given we are a marketplace that provides a subscription based service, we do not take broker fees. With that said, SuddenlySpaces does not handle any transactions with the Spacer, this would be handled by the Market Space Partner (MSP).

What is the monthly subscription fee?

The subscription plan is up to you. The Pay As You Go Plan is billed monthly and is $550/month. The Monthly Plan has a 3 month minimum and is billed every 3 months, which is $1350/quarterly (which saves you $300/year). The best bang for your buck is our Annual plan, which saves you $400/year. That is billed yearly and is $5000/year. Should you choose to boost certain listings or add additional listings, those do cost extra.

How long does it take until my property has been approved?

Depending that all the details are filled out properly, along with Support reviewing other profiles, we hope to connect with you in 1-3 business days. Whether that be, if more information is needed, or that everything is filled out and you’re ready to be launched